LMAO . i had cross country jus now . ITS HORRIBLE . xD first . me vivien, joanna . and PAL . :D
went to lot 1took neoprint . CUTEEH! :D lmao . den. we went macritchie. yepyep. muahaha
it's RAINING . AWESOME . wewalked in the rain .MUAHAHA . yep . den it rained . den stop . rain . denstop .SIANlorh .xD haha . yep . so we crossed a bridge . lower sec gurls went first . yep . we ran .:D the track was MUDDY and STONY . haha . it's call lornie track . lol .yep .
den we . or ii . merly walked all the way!!! YAY . :D lol . den we went a STEEP SLOPE .
i was lyk . wth lor . HOWTORUN?! soOoO steep . REALLY!! lyk this . / yep . not THAT steep la
xD ohya . we gotdere by mrt.saw ashraf and his frens. yay . we'rethenoisest!!:D:D haha
den . we were beside the road . den mr heng and myredcross SENIORS were there .YAY .
it's nearthe FINISHING point . haha . yepp . den i CROSSED iT. YAY!!
Elaine wasFOURTH . verna was ELEVENTH .or twelve . haha .shannon was SECOND .
PRO EH?!?!?!?!?! haha . yep. den i went cheering . dentill uppersec . we're cheering for
STRENGTH!! YAY . lol . den we joked . run pass ur frens . den u'll get a kiss frm herman .
IMBADEH? xDXD lol . den mrLIM . ourart cher. was fer gumption . den . i shouted .
EVERYONE RUN FAST! denget free kiss frm cher . LOL . den he himself said . no art lesson
if u run fast . ONLYGUMPTION . NOTFAIR!! YEAH . :D yep . den . IWALKEDINTHERAIN!!
DARN COOL!! muahaha. okay . :D:D